So, BN thinks I'm fake now. Cuz I made a punch line outta him. Boo-fucking-hoo. We all know he has no flow, and my punchline was, 'I ain't Broken Needle, my flow stay on point.' So he got all emotional, and says: "shut ya mouth so that shit can heal up properly son, wouldn't be talkin shit right now cuz u can barely talk, u in denial son, iz Game Over and u ran out of quaters to continue so shut ya mouth and quit" Lmao, he forgot that I have his heart in my pocket. I told him what it takes to have flow, yet his dumb ass refuses to listen. Enjoy the long read.
LyricalVisionary (11:31:24 PM): I'm fake now?
brokenneedle25 (11:33:05 PM): u did some snake shit nukno that
LyricalVisionary (11:31:54 PM): I spoke some real shit
LyricalVisionary (11:31:58 PM): Believe it or not
LyricalVisionary (11:32:03 PM): I told dudes I had no beef witcha
brokenneedle25 (11:33:21 PM): I know ma' flow is off
brokenneedle25 (11:33:30 PM): no worrieson that
LyricalVisionary (11:32:15 PM): Your flow off? There is no flow period
brokenneedle25 (11:33:41 PM): aight thereu go
LyricalVisionary (11:32:35 PM): Dude, I told you this the moment you sent me ya acapella
LyricalVisionary (11:32:51 PM): I told you I had to dig into ya verse and give you flow virtually
brokenneedle25 (11:34:24 PM): I kno
brokenneedle25 (11:34:29 PM): but thaz b4
LyricalVisionary (11:33:13 PM): so I'm fake now?
brokenneedle25 (11:34:32 PM): and thisnow
LyricalVisionary (11:33:21 PM): I'm the same dude
brokenneedle25 (11:34:42 PM): u shudn'thave said them lines then
brokenneedle25 (11:34:52 PM): I wasntgnasay shit 2 u
LyricalVisionary (11:33:37 PM): It's real talk
LyricalVisionary (11:33:43 PM): You know it
LyricalVisionary (11:33:47 PM): I hold nuthin back
brokenneedle25 (11:35:06 PM): I wasgonna point out in the beggingizonly meant 4 Ses
LyricalVisionary (11:34:19 PM): Well, shit escalated
brokenneedle25 (11:35:40 PM): eveninthelyrics I say Fuck you dj ses nothiong meant2 u
brokenneedle25 (11:35:49 PM): nothing*
LyricalVisionary (11:34:34 PM): Yeah, but the reply you put to me
LyricalVisionary (11:34:45 PM): I won't be recovering from that injury?
LyricalVisionary (11:34:56 PM): It's more like I won't be recovering from that laughter
brokenneedle25 (11:36:20 PM): u made linesin ya diss 2 me man
LyricalVisionary (11:35:05 PM): Dude, that was the most pitiful battle track I ever heard
LyricalVisionary (11:35:13 PM): Yeah, and them lines was real talk
brokenneedle25 (11:36:33 PM): I wasnt tryign 2make itgood
LyricalVisionary (11:35:19 PM): Cuz dude said you had an ill flow
LyricalVisionary (11:35:32 PM): So I put it out there in the open that you got shit but dick riders
brokenneedle25 (11:36:57 PM): I was sayingthatshit 2 b pretending 2 b like Ses n KillBill
brokenneedle25 (11:37:15 PM): I kno I dont got aflow onthat shit
LyricalVisionary (11:36:09 PM): that's the thing though, just cuz I'm puttin the truth out there, I'm fake now?
LyricalVisionary (11:36:12 PM): It's game over?
LyricalVisionary (11:36:15 PM): I can barely talk?
LyricalVisionary (11:36:21 PM): In denial?
LyricalVisionary (11:36:22 PM): Dude
LyricalVisionary (11:36:32 PM): I got more flow than any of you dudes combined
LyricalVisionary (11:36:38 PM): I got more lyrical skill than anyone on NG
LyricalVisionary (11:36:47 PM): I got punchlines that'll leave the sharpest n***a guessing
brokenneedle25 (11:38:05 PM): now u being fullo yaself man
LyricalVisionary (11:37:02 PM): That's me talking to you without an ego
brokenneedle25 (11:38:22 PM): if it leave 'em guessing then iz not good hope u kno
LyricalVisionary (11:37:17 PM): If it leave's guessing is a bad look?
LyricalVisionary (11:37:40 PM): That shows you're an idiot, cuz if you leave a sharp n***a guessing what the fuck you meant with a punchline, that shows how witty you could be lyrically
brokenneedle25 (11:39:02 PM): if u dont get the PL n gotta sit theren figue itoutnlikeamath problem then iz not good
LyricalVisionary (11:38:09 PM): That's for n***as who need shit dumbed down for them
brokenneedle25 (11:39:40 PM): thazmost of the hip hop audience foo'
brokenneedle25 (11:39:46 PM): I got shitlike that 2
brokenneedle25 (11:39:54 PM): I dont putit up cuzIthink o ma' audience
LyricalVisionary (11:38:36 PM): What's your illest punchline?
brokenneedle25 (11:40:04 PM): no rocketscientist blistening 2 rap
LyricalVisionary (11:38:51 PM): lmao
LyricalVisionary (11:38:57 PM): Your audience is NG
LyricalVisionary (11:39:08 PM): Dudes ain't stupid here
brokenneedle25 (11:40:38 PM): alot are
LyricalVisionary (11:39:27 PM): That's cuz the n***as you talk to
brokenneedle25 (11:40:48 PM): and I got ppl on myspace and onthestreets
LyricalVisionary (11:39:33 PM): lmao
LyricalVisionary (11:39:37 PM): I doubt on the streets
LyricalVisionary (11:39:45 PM): Cuz dudes will tell you if you got no flow
LyricalVisionary (11:39:53 PM): Lemme guess, you're from East Side BK, right?
brokenneedle25 (11:41:11 PM): iz freestyles
brokenneedle25 (11:41:18 PM): dun needmuch ofa flow 4that
LyricalVisionary (11:40:04 PM): Yeah, you do
brokenneedle25 (11:41:28 PM): not 2 much of 1
LyricalVisionary (11:40:13 PM): You know nothing of stanzas
LyricalVisionary (11:40:23 PM): After all that shit I told you before, you forgot it all
LyricalVisionary (11:40:27 PM): You're washed up
LyricalVisionary (11:40:29 PM): lmao
brokenneedle25 (11:41:55 PM): I been smoking weed all summer, Ibeen retired
brokenneedle25 (11:42:01 PM): I'm relearningeverything
LyricalVisionary (11:40:46 PM): Dun use that shit as an excuse dude
brokenneedle25 (11:42:14 PM): I'm 4real tho
LyricalVisionary (11:40:56 PM): That shit do nothing but make you hungry and lazy
LyricalVisionary (11:41:11 PM): I got freestyles recorded of me being high
brokenneedle25 (11:42:30 PM): at 1 point I fuckin forgot where to end aline
brokenneedle25 (11:42:36 PM): I kno
LyricalVisionary (11:41:19 PM): and you know what? I still got flow my n***a
LyricalVisionary (11:41:23 PM): for 30 minutes straight
brokenneedle25 (11:42:42 PM): but thazcuzu focus on rap
brokenneedle25 (11:42:45 PM): ibeen retired
brokenneedle25 (11:42:51 PM): I havent recorded shitin madd long
LyricalVisionary (11:41:39 PM): DUDE! You never started! How can you be retired?
LyricalVisionary (11:41:44 PM): You never had flow!
LyricalVisionary (11:41:59 PM): I was better than you at the age of 12 in rapping than you was at your prime
brokenneedle25 (11:43:26 PM): I never hada prime
LyricalVisionary (11:42:14 PM): I could've told you that
brokenneedle25 (11:43:33 PM): I stoped rapping 4 a while
brokenneedle25 (11:43:37 PM): inever saidI had flow
brokenneedle25 (11:43:48 PM): I just forgot all theshitI learned
LyricalVisionary (11:42:31 PM): If you don't have flow, why not just stop period then?
brokenneedle25 (11:43:53 PM): nowI'm re-learning it
LyricalVisionary (11:42:38 PM): How you forget flow?
brokenneedle25 (11:44:02 PM): Ineverforgot it
brokenneedle25 (11:44:06 PM): cuz Inever learned it
LyricalVisionary (11:42:54 PM): Flow isn't something you learn.
LyricalVisionary (11:42:58 PM): It's something that grows on you.
brokenneedle25 (11:44:20 PM): ye i kno
LyricalVisionary (11:43:06 PM): No you don't
brokenneedle25 (11:44:27 PM): n I have a years of experience
LyricalVisionary (11:43:10 PM): Cuz you still don't have it
LyricalVisionary (11:43:14 PM): lmao
brokenneedle25 (11:44:40 PM): I started rappinglast year
LyricalVisionary (11:43:27 PM): And what, Ses just started freestyling
LyricalVisionary (11:43:32 PM): And he still got more flow than you
LyricalVisionary (11:43:39 PM): You're a cornball
LyricalVisionary (11:43:48 PM): You, Breeze, Seraphic, and Lejin
LyricalVisionary (11:43:51 PM): you dudes are funny
brokenneedle25 (11:45:10 PM): I'm white dawg
LyricalVisionary (11:43:56 PM): LMAO
brokenneedle25 (11:45:16 PM): he gotflow easily
LyricalVisionary (11:43:59 PM): That means something?
LyricalVisionary (11:44:07 PM): Nitemare is white
brokenneedle25 (11:45:25 PM): ye iz harder forme to flow
LyricalVisionary (11:44:08 PM): He has flow
LyricalVisionary (11:44:10 PM): LMAO
brokenneedle25 (11:45:29 PM): notrly
brokenneedle25 (11:45:30 PM): lmao
LyricalVisionary (11:44:18 PM): So it's harder for you to flow cuz you're white?
brokenneedle25 (11:45:38 PM): nitemare dun gotshit
brokenneedle25 (11:45:49 PM): nahiz harderfor meto get agood flow
LyricalVisionary (11:44:36 PM): Cuz you're white?
LyricalVisionary (11:44:38 PM): lmao
brokenneedle25 (11:45:59 PM): ye
LyricalVisionary (11:44:43 PM): LMAO!!!!
LyricalVisionary (11:44:45 PM): OMFG
LyricalVisionary (11:44:46 PM): Dude
brokenneedle25 (11:46:06 PM): have u heard Eminems original shit?
LyricalVisionary (11:44:55 PM): Infinite, of course
brokenneedle25 (11:46:13 PM): he was ass
LyricalVisionary (11:44:58 PM): You know what
LyricalVisionary (11:45:00 PM): He had flow
brokenneedle25 (11:46:29 PM): uheardthe freestyles
LyricalVisionary (11:45:20 PM): Yeah, even recordings
brokenneedle25 (11:46:40 PM): n themixtape o w.e he made2 diss his ex black gf
LyricalVisionary (11:45:22 PM): He had flow
brokenneedle25 (11:46:53 PM): he didnt have good lyricsn not muchof a flow
LyricalVisionary (11:45:45 PM): How can you tell what a flow is if you have none?
brokenneedle25 (11:47:14 PM): cuz I'm learning it
LyricalVisionary (11:46:00 PM): And it doesn't even take much to have flow.
LyricalVisionary (11:46:13 PM): You say the word that rhymes in sync with the snare
LyricalVisionary (11:46:18 PM): What's so hard about that
LyricalVisionary (11:46:25 PM): I was able to do that at the age of 6
LyricalVisionary (11:46:26 PM): lmao
brokenneedle25 (11:47:46 PM): I actually did that
brokenneedle25 (11:47:50 PM): ifu pay attention
brokenneedle25 (11:47:58 PM): listen closely
LyricalVisionary (11:46:43 PM): LMAO
brokenneedle25 (11:48:02 PM): n u'll see
LyricalVisionary (11:46:47 PM): Dude
brokenneedle25 (11:48:10 PM): izbad I kno
LyricalVisionary (11:46:54 PM): ever 6 lines would be off
brokenneedle25 (11:48:19 PM): but thaz cuz I wrotethoselineslong ago
LyricalVisionary (11:47:11 PM): I'm done with you, this is enough proof
LyricalVisionary (11:47:13 PM): lmao
brokenneedle25 (11:48:35 PM): once uguysmake acomeback I'ma write some fresh shit
LyricalVisionary (11:47:22 PM): Dude
LyricalVisionary (11:47:28 PM): My brother was on wet
LyricalVisionary (11:47:29 PM): and weed
LyricalVisionary (11:47:32 PM): still flowing
brokenneedle25 (11:48:52 PM): nowthat I kno what 2do to flow
LyricalVisionary (11:47:37 PM): You never had flow
LyricalVisionary (11:47:40 PM): give up
brokenneedle25 (11:49:03 PM): Inever saidweed fucks ya flow
brokenneedle25 (11:49:10 PM): Inever knewhow 2 flow
LyricalVisionary (11:47:53 PM): yeah, you did
brokenneedle25 (11:49:15 PM): till now
LyricalVisionary (11:48:03 PM): You said you've been smokin too much
LyricalVisionary (11:48:13 PM): lol
brokenneedle25 (11:49:32 PM): no i said Iforgot shit I learned
brokenneedle25 (11:49:36 PM): not flow
LyricalVisionary (11:48:29 PM): That's fucking it up then idiot
LyricalVisionary (11:48:40 PM): get ya train of thought up kid
brokenneedle25 (11:50:04 PM): I'm high now
brokenneedle25 (11:50:05 PM): lmao
LyricalVisionary (11:48:52 PM): That means nothing
brokenneedle25 (11:50:19 PM): means I dno whati just said
brokenneedle25 (11:50:32 PM): soifitdunmake senseit aint ma'; fault
LyricalVisionary (11:49:22 PM): Just remember that you jocking me when I first started out on this site
LyricalVisionary (11:49:28 PM): You was like my #1 fan
brokenneedle25 (11:50:54 PM): yen then u dissme
LyricalVisionary (11:49:37 PM): And now that I say real shit
LyricalVisionary (11:49:42 PM): You get offended
LyricalVisionary (11:49:46 PM): If you know it's true
LyricalVisionary (11:49:49 PM): why take offense?
brokenneedle25 (11:51:24 PM): u dun seeme goin out there n sayin I neverunderstood a word ofwhat u said unless iztyped
brokenneedle25 (11:51:42 PM): Ikeep thatshit 2ma'self
brokenneedle25 (11:51:47 PM): cuz I dun wanna insult u
LyricalVisionary (11:50:31 PM): Dude, only you dudes said you couldn't understand
brokenneedle25 (11:51:52 PM): n whatudid was insultme
LyricalVisionary (11:50:38 PM): Yet a lot of heads understood
LyricalVisionary (11:50:47 PM): You n***as a bunch of acters
brokenneedle25 (11:52:07 PM): if u pay attention u understand
LyricalVisionary (11:50:51 PM): I'm off n***a
LyricalVisionary (11:50:55 PM): Stay up
LyricalVisionary (11:51:00 PM): And be ready for the take over
brokenneedle25 (11:52:20 PM): but untill it has 1000% of ur concentration u cantget shit
Thumbs up bitches. * old picture o.O *