Lejin found it in his heart to talk about me again. Sheesh. He obviously has nothing better to do.
Btw, Lejin loves Avril Lavigne. Ever since InGenius said something about him having the bitch on his top 8 on myspace, he took it off. Even though she's not on the top friends list, she's still in his general friends list. Check it out for yourself.
This is his friends list, in the A section. She's the first one there =3
Weeeeeeee, I love posers, they make me giggle with glee. =3
[20:15] lejinalmighty: mumbles ill try to be nice to you cause your at a point where i have you completely humiliated. Why didnt you fight me son?
[20:15] lejinalmighty: you wanted to talk that day right
[20:15] LyricalVisionary: Cuz you didn't show?
[20:15] lejinalmighty: well thisis your chance
[20:15] LyricalVisionary: Not gonna bother
[20:16] LyricalVisionary: You're not worth it
[20:16] lejinalmighty: you was nowhere to be found
[20:16] LyricalVisionary: Block me agian please
[20:16] lejinalmighty: what was u afraid of?
[20:16] LyricalVisionary: I'm busy collabin with Yun
[20:16] lejinalmighty: i wasnt gonna hurt your family
[20:16] LyricalVisionary: You never showed =\
[20:16] LyricalVisionary: Just block me
[20:16] lejinalmighty: im that kind of person even though u find me intimidating
[20:16] LyricalVisionary: lmfao, sure
[20:16] LyricalVisionary: go write a verse recycling all ya bars
[20:16] lejinalmighty: you can talk to me richard i wont laugh at u
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: I'm trying hard not to laugh at you.
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: You really can't be serious
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: You use every line over and over and over
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: DJ Stress, Ses
[20:17] lejinalmighty: i laugh everyday at u im tryign so much hard than eveeryone right now
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: nothing else to rhyme with that?
[20:17] lejinalmighty: yes thats right
[20:17] lejinalmighty: hes in stress
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: Dude
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: That's like in
[20:17] lejinalmighty: dude?!?
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: what, all 43 of your songs?
[20:17] lejinalmighty: ewhat u surfer now?
[20:17] lejinalmighty: lmfao
[20:17] lejinalmighty: goes good with that bald head of yours
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: Indeed
[20:17] lejinalmighty: you wax that shit? XD
[20:17] lejinalmighty: LMFAO
[20:17] LyricalVisionary: Nah
[20:18] lejinalmighty: oh shit son
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: I'd blind people
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: It's already shiney as shit
[20:18] lejinalmighty: wow mr CLEAN shit huh?
[20:18] lejinalmighty: LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: Original
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: I heard the hispanic Morpheus before
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: And a bootleg 47
[20:18] lejinalmighty: wow u kinda funny son when n***as actually understand whats coming from u mouthh
[20:18] lejinalmighty: oh fo real?
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: You're just ignorant
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: That's all
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: Like I said, please block me
[20:18] lejinalmighty: nah you just need to get some grammar for dummies
[20:18] lejinalmighty: LOL
[20:18] LyricalVisionary: I'm busy with a collab
[20:19] lejinalmighty: what u making richard
[20:19] lejinalmighty: some other whatck shit?
[20:19] LyricalVisionary: lol
[20:19] lejinalmighty: son X told me
[20:19] LyricalVisionary: Hence why you love it so much
[20:19] lejinalmighty: and others showed me
[20:19] lejinalmighty: you stole shit
[20:19] LyricalVisionary: lmfao
[20:19] LyricalVisionary: From who? Swollen Drums?
[20:19] lejinalmighty: people told me and showed me this shit
[20:19] lejinalmighty: son stop stealin
[20:19] LyricalVisionary: lmfao
[20:19] lejinalmighty: i was a fan of your beats look through your reviews
[20:19] LyricalVisionary: What track did I steal?
[20:20] lejinalmighty: why did u strt stealin jusrt answer that
[20:20] LyricalVisionary: I never did.
[20:20] lejinalmighty: yes u did n***a
[20:20] lejinalmighty: from fucking movies and shit
[20:20] LyricalVisionary: Uhm, that's sampling
[20:20] lejinalmighty: fucks wrong with u n***a dam u had hot shit back then
[20:20] LyricalVisionary: lmfao
[20:20] lejinalmighty: theif ass n***a
[20:20] lejinalmighty: LOL
[20:20] LyricalVisionary: Okay
[20:20] lejinalmighty: wow
[20:20] LyricalVisionary: I sampled a movie
[20:20] LyricalVisionary: Makes me a theif
[20:20] LyricalVisionary: Big deal
[20:20] lejinalmighty: wait wait wait ok so whats next?
[20:20] LyricalVisionary: You don't even understand sampling
[20:21] lejinalmighty: you gonnna sell em for 1 mill? like sesy
[20:21] LyricalVisionary: Nah
[20:21] lejinalmighty: what then?
[20:21] LyricalVisionary: I ain't going the same route he is
[20:21] lejinalmighty: live on NG like sillybilly?
[20:21] LyricalVisionary: He wants to actually go profession
[20:21] LyricalVisionary: professional*
[20:21] lejinalmighty: whats NEXT for warpawn???
[20:21] LyricalVisionary: I got me a job in manhattan
[20:21] LyricalVisionary: waitin for the fucks to call me back
[20:21] lejinalmighty: lmfao.... what u do then brave boy
[20:21] LyricalVisionary: 17 an hour for easy as work
[20:21] lejinalmighty: sit on your ass?
[20:22] lejinalmighty: on ng?
[20:22] LyricalVisionary: Settin up computers and shit for JP Morgan
[20:22] lejinalmighty: whats the pay?
[20:22] LyricalVisionary: 17 an hour
[20:22] lejinalmighty: yeah ok..setting up ha...
[20:22] LyricalVisionary: For easy ass work
[20:22] lejinalmighty: what lans?
[20:22] lejinalmighty: you do lans?
[20:22] lejinalmighty: looool
[20:22] LyricalVisionary: Shiiit, I wish I got paid for sittin on my ass on NG
[20:22] lejinalmighty: HAHAHAHA shit Billy would LOVE THAT
[20:22] LyricalVisionary: I'm sure he would
[20:22] lejinalmighty: that fucking reality life failure
[20:22] LyricalVisionary: After all, he's not black not black not black
[20:22] LyricalVisionary: lmfao
[20:22] lejinalmighty: nerd ass hand fuckas
[20:23] lejinalmighty: LOOOOL
[20:23] LyricalVisionary: *shrugs*
[20:23] LyricalVisionary: Aight, I'ma start workin on this track again
[20:23] lejinalmighty: aight whatevea man but ama point something out for u
[20:23] LyricalVisionary: Go do you
[20:23] lejinalmighty: just between us but i know u son
[20:23] lejinalmighty: u mumble alot
[20:23] LyricalVisionary: Uhm, no
[20:23] LyricalVisionary: lol
[20:23] lejinalmighty: trust me you mumble son
[20:23] lejinalmighty: its...not a secret
[20:23] LyricalVisionary: lmfao
[20:23] lejinalmighty: but anyway deny to you grave thats how u do right?
[20:24] lejinalmighty: listen
[20:24] lejinalmighty: that day u came on TS
[20:24] lejinalmighty: KO radio as we useto call it
[20:24] LyricalVisionary: KO Radio, lol
[20:24] lejinalmighty: i was away
[20:24] lejinalmighty: i talked to merc theres no reason i would talk to u if ui knew
[20:24] LyricalVisionary: Uhm, I'ma block you now, okay?
[20:24] LyricalVisionary: I'm busy
[20:24] LyricalVisionary: kthnx
[20:24] lejinalmighty: yeah run bitch
[20:24] lejinalmighty: mmumble along
[20:24] *** "lejinalmighty" signed off at Mon Jun 30 20:24:49 2008.
[20:24] LyricalVisionary: you do it all the time
[20:24] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
Bleh, he blocked me first. Pretty pathetic that he's lying saying that I blocked him. You can ask anyone. Merc, Phade, Billy, Naysly, Druid, or Ses. Lejin is the hitter-quitter, cuz he'll type out a long ass essay, unblock you, send it to you, and block you again, all in 5 seconds. He's done it so much to me, I started timing him. His record breaking speed was about 4.13252 seconds. I'm fascinated that he can click that fast. Must be all those games he plays.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/155432">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/155432</a>
I'd love to thank you on behalf of the people who I work with for downvoting the latest 4 tracks on my page. You're a hypocrite, and a pussy.