I knew Lej couldn't get enough of my style. I knew I should have kept quiet on The Sound Of Love just so then I could catch people in the act. Well, it just so happens Lej is still a fan of my work. Now the world shall know me and Yun collabed on that. And that drum line Lej likes so much, Yun supported the sounds, I laid it out. Lej doesn't like me. No doubt about that. But he still likes my style. He still copies my lines, my ideas, and tries to rap on my beats. We caught his white ass on Soundclick, and he dun took that shit off with the quickness.
<a href="http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii201/fermarella/theunbannablebigbadlejin.jpg">http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii 201/fermarella/theunbannablebigbadlej in.jpg</a>
Awesome! Thanks for saving Lejin's white ass! =D Like... I mean saving the proof lol