After a death, family falling apart, and possibly some of the greatest stress I went through in the passed 3 weeks in my house alone, this game is exactly what I need right now. I'm barely able to write a verse, or even sample a track. Every time I tried to write a verse, record vocals, or make an instrumental... It usually ends up with my flaming a witch and taking her out solo with an auto-shotgun. I apologize to anyone who I'm collabing with... * definitely you Quarl *
But I need to blow off some steam. Hell, I've possibly blocked out all of the people who I speak to normally. Just ask Druids-Warcry, he's been trying to get me to budge for the passed 4 weeks. I just don't have it in me to make any sort of music with the amount of shit going on in my life...
So please... If you play L4D, add me. I was too lazy to make my own account, so I'm sharing with a friend. (though I did happen to buy the game myself, since it's the only thing I play on that account)
The ign is fbi292 on Steam. ( I play on PC, not 360 )
May the zombie massacre begin.